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Episcopal Travel

Subject Source: Local sources

Found in 620 Collections and/or Records:

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1927-01-08

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Wyoming, Ohio, USA. Pendleton has received Waelchli’s letters of December 7th and 15th. He notes Waelchli’s observations on the state of the Kitchener society. Pendleton is glad that Gilbert responded readily to Waelchli’s request, and he wishes Waelchli a successful trip South. Pendleton hopes to speak with Waelchli about Mr. Fritz when he is in town for the mid-year meetings. He reports that the Consistory enjoyed reading...
Dates: 1927-01-08

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1927-03-08

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Oak Hill, Florida, USA. Pendleton has noted the contents of Waelchli’s letter of February 13th with interest. He is glad to have the information about Dallas. Henry Heinrichs has offered to go to the Northwest this summer; Pendleton will suggest he go to Washington and Oregon in order to relieve Waelchli. Pendleton informs Waelchli that the date of the Executive Committee’s budget meeting has been set for March 20th. Pendleton...
Dates: 1927-03-08

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1927-03-25

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Wyoming, Ohio, USA. If Waelchli is able to attend the 1928 London General Assembly, the General Church will contribute $300 towards his travelling expenses.

Dates: 1927-03-25

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1927-04-07

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Pendleton acknowledges receipt of Waelchli’s last three letters. He is sorry to hear Mr. Fritz has encountered financial difficulties. He hopes Mr. Fraser will fare well in Miami. He notes that Mr. Spiers has “turn[ed] up wanting” and remarks, “It is the old story. I did think that in the matter of scandal he was not like the others.” Pendleton is glad Waelchli plans to visit both Dallas and Portland on his...
Dates: 1927-04-07

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1927-05-03

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Pendleton has received Waelchli’s letter of April 16th. He is preparing to depart for assemblies in New York, Washington, Toronto, and Kitchener. He hopes it is a comfort to Waelchli’s ailing daughter Provida to be home with her parents. Pendleton will be interested to see Mr. Spiers’ reply to Waelchli’s letter. He writes, “I hope he may clear himself for his own sake from the seeming tendency to circulate...
Dates: 1927-05-03

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1927-05-24

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Pendleton enquires about the practicality of Waelchli stopping over in Phoenix on his way from Dallas to Los Angeles to visit Ben McQueen, his wife Lenore Junge, and Winfred Junge. Handwritten note postscript: "See letter of Ben McQueen 5/18/1927 to NDP" Names mentioned: Ben McQueen, Lenore Junge, Winfred Junge

Dates: 1927-05-24

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1927-09-03

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Wyoming, Ohio, USA. Although Waelchli’s letter arrived last, Pendleton is choosing to answer it first as all the other letters he has received ask for funds from the already extended Extension Fund. Pendleton thinks Los Angeles is “a great center of human life” and hopes the Church will hold on to its foothold there. He thinks Waelchli’s proposed visit in the Fall should help “brace the situation.” There are several theological...
Dates: 1927-09-03

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1927-12-01

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Wyoming, Ohio, USA. Pendleton has received Waelchli’s letters of November 17th and 25th. He agrees that the passing of his brother, William Frederic Pendleton, marks a great change in the Church but remarks that he feels his brother’s presence, if anything, more strongly. He writes, “It is as if the definite fact of his material presence is lacking, but a freer presence of his spirit is felt.” Pendleton is pleased that the...
Dates: 1927-12-01

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1928-01-04

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Wyoming, Ohio, USA. Pendleton is glad to hear that that matter of Waelchli’s “naturalization” complication is settled and that now he can move forward with his travel plans. Pendleton thinks the increased contribution from the Church for Waelchli to attend the upcoming London General Assembly ought to be helpful as well. He looks forward to seeing Waelchli for the February meetings. In Bryn Athyn, the schools open tomorrow and...
Dates: 1928-01-04

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1928-05-31

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli in Wyoming, Ohio, USA. Pendleton informs Waelchli that the decision has been made to place Herny Boef in Los Angeles. Boef will accompany Waelchli on his return from Europe. Pendleton will write to inform Miss Annie Unruh of the matter. Names mentioned: Henry Boef, Annie Unruh

Dates: 1928-05-31