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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus

Found in 148 Collections and/or Records:

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1919-11-22

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Pendleton was relieved to learn from Mrs. Tilson that Mr. Tilson’s operation was successful. He hopes the operation will ease Tilson’s suffering and allow him to serve the Church for many years to come. Pendleton directs Tilson to the Life periodical for an account of the Cathedral dedication which took place in Bryn Athyn. Pendleton finds it difficult to describe the “greatness” of the occasion, and he hopes...
Dates: 1919-11-22

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1925-11-16

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Pendleton apologizes for his delayed response to Tilson’s September letter until now. He notes with pleasure the worship meeting which was to take place at Mrs. Urwick’s house; Pendleton remembers her cordial hospitality from his last visit to London. He also appreciates Tilson’s favorable comments regarding his article on “Humanizing the Divine” which was recently published in the Life. Names mentioned: Mrs....
Dates: 1925-11-16

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1926-04-12

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Health permitting, Pendleton would like Tilson to preside at the upcoming Colchester assembly and act as celebrant of the Holy Supper for the occasion. Pendleton also directs Tilson to an article, written by Pendleton, which the Life has recently published on the topic of Free Will. If Tilson feels so inclined, Pendleton would appreciate his feedback on the article. Names mentioned: Mr. (Fred) Gyllenhaal

Dates: 1926-04-12

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1927-08-25

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Pendleton has received Tilson’s letter of August 12th. He was glad to read that the British Assembly was a success and that his address was well received. The address will be printed in the Life as part of the Assembly report. Pendleton asks if Mr. Sexton has considered coming to Bryn Athyn for a visit. He believes a “more definite and orderly ‘contact with spirits’ might have its appeal” with some of the young...
Dates: 1927-08-25

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1929-03-26

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Pendleton has received Tilson’s letter of March 3rd. He is glad that Tilson has enjoyed working with Gladish so far; Pendleton felt Gladish would be the right man for the job despite his youth and inexperience. Pendleton was very surprised by Tilson’s “bit of news.” He remarks, “It is difficult to comprehend how a self-respecting body could do such a thing. . .Yet how clear it is that prejudice leads to a fatal...
Dates: 1929-03-26

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1930-04-30

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. In response to Tilson’s letter of April 10th, Pendleton sends his regrets that Tilson will not attend the upcoming Assembly in Bryn Athyn. However, he understands that Tilson’s doctor has recommended against making the journey due to Tilson’s age. He comments, “The time comes when we must all begin to narrow the circle of our physical activities.” Rev. Pfeiffer has written to Pendleton for permission to distribute...
Dates: 1930-04-30

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1930-09-24

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Pendleton acknowledges Tilson’s letter of August 20th. He was pleased to learn that the recent British Assembly was especially successful. He had anticipated more than usual interest at this event due to discussion of the developing Hague doctrine. At Mr. Pfeiffer’s request, the Life has held off discussing this doctrine until Pfeiffer has full articulated his position. They expected Pfeiffer to finish this past...
Dates: 1930-09-24

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1930-12-01

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Pendleton has received Tilson’s letter of Nov. 3rd with enclosures. He noted with interest the proposed visit of Theo Pitcairn and Mr. Pfeiffer to Woodgreen. Theodore and Maryke Pitcairn are coming to Bryn Athyn this winter for the opening of their home and the mid-year council meetings. Pendleton has been asked many times whether Mr. Pfeiffer will attend these meetings. He offered Pfeiffer an expenses-paid...
Dates: 1930-12-01

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1931-02-13

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Pendleton received Tilson’s letter of Jan. 13th with accompanying report in time for the mid-year meetings. The Hague doctrine was discussed on several occasions during these meetings, and Dr. Acton presented a “very able” paper on the topic. Pendleton comments on this paper, “My only criticism was that in spots his expressions of personal charity to his opponent were hardly called for in an article of such...
Dates: 1931-02-13

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson, 1931-07-28

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Robert J. Tilson in London, England. Pendleton thanks Tilson for his letter of July 14th and various interesting enclosures. Pendleton does not know what to make of Mr. Coulson’s unusual ordination, that is, whether Coulson is now an ordained minister or simply a recognized leader. Pendleton hopes the British Assembly will be successful this year, resulting in a feeling of spiritual unity despite the current Church controversies. After reading Miss...
Dates: 1931-07-28