Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Found in 158 Collections and/or Records:
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström , 1927-02-25
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton has received Baeckstrom’s letter of Jan. 7th with enclosed report, records of baptism, confessions of faith, and membership applications. Pendleton hopes the “Spanish sickness”, which he thinks is a form of the grippe, did not prevent Baeckstrom from making his trip to Norway. Pendleton hears the spread is very bad in Europe. The sickness has also been spreading in America, although Pendleton believes...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström , 1928-03-13
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton is glad to know more about the Boyesen families in Oslo; He presumes from Baeckstrom’s information that they are not related to the Stockholm Boyesens. Pendleton thinks that the outlook for the Oslo Circle is promising. Pendleton hears from Mr. Seymour and Mr. Alvin Nelson that Baeckstrom’s book agency in Chicago is doing well, and Pendleton wonders if, through this connection, Mr. Eckhoff may be able...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström , 1928-06-20
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s letter of May 10th with enclosed membership application and record of baptism. Pendleton and Baeckstrom will soon meet at the London Assembly. Things are quiet in Bryn Athyn except for the usual school closing activities. Eighty or more church members from Bryn Athyn are preparing to sail to England for the Assembly. Pendleton regrets that Mr. Loven will not be able to attend...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström , 1929-12-05
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s last letter. Baeckstrom’s comments on Hans Giobel helped Pendleton and Dr. Acton decide to send money for Giobel to travel to Bryn Athyn to study for the ministry this year. They had originally thought Giobel might come the next year with Erik Sandstrom, but now feel that it will be better to have Giobel in the Church sphere in Bryn Athyn. Pendleton finds the report of...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1923-09-20
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s letters of August 4th and Sept. 3rd with enclosures; He welcomes Miss Pamp into the General Church. Pendleton informs Baeckstrom that Mr. and Mrs. George de Charms and Harold and Clara Pitcairn have had to cancel the Sweden leg of their trip to Europe. Pendleton is sorry to hear that Baeckstrom was unable to attend the British Assembly due to illness. Pendleton is told the...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1918-07-06
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s letters of Feb. 8th and April 7th. Pendleton discusses the situation of Alfred Stroh; Stroh returned to Sweden the previous summer to finish phototyping Swedenborg’s manuscripts. This was supposed to be a 6 month project, for which the Church would compensate him upon completion. However, Stroh has been telling people that he is under a continuous contract on a salaried basis,...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1924-02-16
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s letter of Jan. 13th and the receipt of a copy of Baeckstrom’s book “The Invisible World”. Pendleton is concerned about Baeckstrom’s heath and hopes he will follow his doctor’s advice and rest. Pendleton received Miss Therese Engstedt’s membership application and welcomes her into the General Church. Pendleton discusses the details of his upcoming summer trip to Europe and...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström , 1929-06-26
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton draws Baeckstrom’s attention to the latest issue of the New Church Life where news of Baeckstrom’s most recent missionary tip has been fully reported. With attendance at meetings so high, Pendleton is sure there will be good results. On June 13th, Pendleton will sail to South Africa by way of France and Holland with Mrs. (Beatrice) Pendleton. They will meet with Theodore and Maryke Pitcairn in France,...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1933-04-06
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton apologizes for not writing sooner; They have had a very busy year in Bryn Athyn. The Ministers’ Meetings were consumed this year by Mr. (Ernst) Pfeiffer and his followers with the new teachings that they have been espousing for the last two or three years. A compilation of critical minsters’ papers, with responses in defense of the new teachings by Pfeiffer and Theodore Pitcairn, will be published in...
Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1920-02-24
Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents
Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden.
Pendleton reports that plans are going forward for an International Church Council in Bryn Athyn in June. Pendleton has been interested in the idea of an international council ever since Mr. Ottley and Mr. Tilson joined the General Church. The thought first came to him on the occasion of the Durban Society’s admission into the General Church. Pendleton believes the success of the Academy movement will “depend...