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Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 21 Collections and/or Records:

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Ernst Deltenre's wife, 1927-07-23

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Ernst Deltenre's wife, Maria, in Brussels, Belgium. Pendleton has received Mrs. Deltenre’s letter of June 30th and will take pleasure in expressing her appreciation to the Academy Board of Directors. Pendleton does not think they would have a use for the Tabernacle in Bryn Athyn and transporting it would be very expensive. Pendleton writes that the books have not yet arrived yet, but he will find a place for them when they do.

Dates: 1927-07-23

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gerrit Barger, 1916-02-28

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gerrit Barger in the Hague, Holland. Pendleton acknowledges Barger’s letter of Jan. 7th and the book Barger sent, “Vier Ledrstukken van het Nieuwe Jeruzalem.” Mr. (John) Pitcairn’s condition has perhaps improved a little, but they do not expect he will return to his former health. Barger will soon receive an account of the recent Joint Council Meetings that were held in Bryn Athyn to consider the state of the Church; Pendleton thinks things may not be...
Dates: 1916-02-28

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gerrit Barger, 1915-09-17

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gerrit Barger in the Hague, Holland. The Book Room has not received the bound copies of the Four Doctrines which Barger sent (one to Mr. Pitcairn and one to Pendleton), and Pendleton hopes nothing has happened to them on the way. Pendleton thinks that by the time Barger has received this letter, he will have read in the Life about Miss (Lilian) Beekman’s withdrawal from the Church. Pendleton thinks it is a strange case, but that the result for the...
Dates: 1915-09-17

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gilbert Haven Smith, 1929-04-04

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gilbert Haven Smith in Glenview, IL, USA. Pendleton acknowledges receipt of Smith’s letter of March 12th along with the book Elements of Hebrew by Jewish Rabbi Philip Steinbuck. Pendleton is curious about the results of Smith’s contact with Steinbuck, whether the New Church teachings make a deep impression on him. Raymond Pitcairn met Steinbuck sometime ago in the Cathedral, but he only remembers a vague impression of him. Pendleton is glad to hear...
Dates: 1929-04-04

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1935-06-24

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden. Pendleton thanks Baeckstrom for the book he sent. In Bryn Athyn, the Assembly has ended and was “in every way a success.” Pendleton is now leaving for the mountains for rest and seclusion.

Dates: 1935-06-24

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1935-12-10

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden. Pendleton has received Baeckstrom’s recent letter describing his last missionary trip; Attendance at lectures has decreased, but Baeckstrom feels that those who continue to attend will show greater interest. Baeckstrom has requested that his son Harry attend the Academy next fall. Pendleton has informed Bishop De Charms, who is the head of the Schools, and now the Board of Directors must be consulted as well....
Dates: 1935-12-10

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Richard Morse, 1921-11-18

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Richard Morse in Sydney, Australia. Pendleton acknowledges Morse’s letter of Oct. 3rd. Pendleton has also received the copies of “Divine Authority” and “True Christian Life” which Morse sent, and he has given them to the Academy library as per Morse’s request. Pendleton was sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Morgan, and he remarks that Morgan’s passing will be a great loss to Morse’s society. Pendleton reports that he has just returned from a...
Dates: 1921-11-18

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. William B. Caldwell, 1932-08-10

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. William B. Caldwell in Bryn Athyn, PA, USA. Pendleton agrees that the book by Mrs. (Marguerite Beck) Block is notable and has generated more interest than he anticipated. Pendleton thinks if that reference to the Schreck outgivings is eliminated, the review by Hugo (Odhner) will be very satisfactory.

Dates: 1932-08-10

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Willis L. Gladish, 1930-11-07

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton's secretary to Rev. Willis L. Gladish in Chicago, IL, USA. Pendleton has received Gladish’s letter of Nov. 5th. Pendleton agrees that George DeCharms was a wise choice for Assistant Bishop. Pendleton comments on Gladish’s plan for a new church building, and he notes with interest Gladish’s proposal for writing a book on the glorification of the Lord. Pendleton writes that the only qualifications for the publication of this book by the Academy would be the...
Dates: 1930-11-07

Letter from N.D. Pendleton's secretary to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli, 1926-06-25

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton's secretary, Freda Pendleton, to Rev. Fred E. Waelchli. F. Pendleton thanks Waelchli for his letter and word of appreciation. She also thanks him for the mistakes he noted and writes that one day, when the book is reprinted, she hopes to make corrections for the sake of historical accuracy. She comments, “It is certainly a matter of great regret that the book should have been got out in so big a hurry, but in some ways it could not be helped. There were too...
Dates: 1926-06-25