Showing Collections: 1 - 4 of 4
American History Collection
This is a teaching collection for hands-on history. United States and New Church history from colonization through the present. Contains primary and secondary material in the form of letters and fragments, reproductions, facsimiles, newspapers, clippings, photographs, magazines, articles, books and other items regarding the history of the United States that can be used as teaching tools for Bryn Athyn College and the ANC Secondary Schools.
Bryn Athyn Cathedral
Bryn Athyn Community Collection
The community of Bryn Athyn was formed in the late 19th century by members of the Philladelphia Swedenborgian Church (New Church). This collection documents the early Village Association (before becoming a Burough) as well as the various community groups, old and new, that sprang up in the community. This collection does not contain any official records of the Borough of Bryn Athyn.
John & Gertrude Pitcairn Papers
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- Subject: manuscripts X
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- Repository
- Bryn Athyn Historic District Archives at Glencairn Museum 2
- Academy of the New Church Archives 2
- Subject
- records (documents) 3
- Business Letters 2
- Clippings (information artifacts) 2
- Swedenborgian Church 2
- newspapers 2
- photographs, black-and-white 2
- Agriculture 1
- Agriculture--Pennsylvania 1
- Astronomy 1
- Boys' clubs 1
- Cairnwood 1
- Cairnwood Dairy 1
- Cathedrals 1
- Clothing 1
- Coal Industry 1
- Communism 1
- DV Digital Video 1
- Gardening 1
- Girl Scouts 1
- Homeopathy 1
- Love Letters 1
- Minutes 1
- Natural Gas Industry 1
- Oil Refineries 1
- Programs 1
- Railroad 1
- Slavery, America 1
- Social Life and Customs 1
- Stained Glass (visual works) 1
- Teacher 1
- Theatre 1
- color photographs 1
- government 1
- ledgers (account books) 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Maria Hogan 1
- Mary Dover 1
- Pitcairn, Gertrude (Gertrude Starkey Pitcairn) 1
- Pitcairn, John, Jr. (John Pitcairn, Jr.) 1