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Letter from N.D. Pendleton's secretary to Rev. Ernst Deltenre, 1919-01-09

Identifier: RG.004.01

Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton's secretary, Freda Pendleton, to Rev. Ernst Deltenre in Brussels, Belgium. The Bishop has been wanting to write to Deltenre ever since letters have been able to get through to Europe after the war, but he has been ill since November and unable to write. F. Pendleton writes that in Bryn Athyn, they have all had Deltenre in their hearts and prayers. Everyone is so grateful that the war is over and that Belgium has been freed from the Germans. F. Pendleton is looking forward to having Deltenre’s two daughters in Bryn Athyn again; Her sister, Constance Pendleton, will meet them in New York when they arrive. The Bishop finds it necessary to get away to prevent a serious nervous breakdown and will be sailing to South Africa with Theodore Pitcairn to visit Mr. Gyllenhaal. If his health improves, the Bishop would like to stop by the various New Church centers in Europe on his way home. He looks forward to seeing Deltenre in Brussels and will write later with more details. Names mentioned: Constance (Pendleton), Theodore Pitcairn, Mr. (Fred) Gyllenhaal, Mrs. Deltenre


  • 1919-01-09


From the Collection: 368.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials
