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Letter from N.D. Pendleton's secretary to Rev. Reginald W. Brown, 1920-10-07

Identifier: RG.004.01

Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton's secretary, Freda Pendleton, to Rev. Reginald W. Brown in Maseru, Basutoland, SA. The Bishop received Brown’s letter of August 24th, but he did not have time to answer it before leaving for his western trip to Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and Glenview. Pendleton asked Will Caldwell about the Liturgy copyright; Caldwell thinks there should be no problem with copyrighting the Sesuto edition, although it may be unnecessary. Pendleton is impressed with the work Brown has been doing in Basutoland, translating material into Sesuto and winning lawsuits for the General Church, etc. Pendleton reports that in Bryn Athyn, they have had an estimated 20,000 visitors to see the Cathedral since its dedication. Unfortunately, she thinks they have all been tourists and doubts that there will be any converts. Names mentioned: Theo (Pitcairn), Will Caldwell, Uncle “D”, Augusta (Pendleton), “Eo"


  • 1920-10-07


From the Collection: 368.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials
