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Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Albert Bjorck, 1920-01-29

Identifier: RG.004.01

Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Albert Bjorck in Bath, England. Pendleton has received Bjorck’s letter of Dec. 29th. Pendleton discusses the possibility, raised by Bjorck, of Bjorck coming to Bryn Athyn to study for the ministry. While they may be in doctrinal agreement, Pendleton is doubtful that Bjork will be able to pick up all the customs and particular methods developed by the General Church over the last 40 years because of his age. Pendleton believes Bjorck would not then be able to meet the needs of a society; “Where a people are accustomed to certain modes, though they one by one may be classed as non-essential from a broad spiritual standpoint, yet their absence. . . is discovered to be a severe handicap.” Therefore, Pendleton is doubtful that the Academy would offer any assistance, but Bjorck would be welcome to come on his own. Names mentioned: Mr. Odhner


  • 1920-01-29


From the Collection: 368.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


Repository Details

Part of the Academy of the New Church Archives Repository

PO Box 740
Bryn Athyn PA 19009 USA