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Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström , 1927-11-30

Identifier: RG.004.01

Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden. Pendleton has received Baeckstrom’s last letter telling of his third trip to Norway. Baeckstrom has reported that a Mr. Boyesen joined the Circle at Oslo, and Pendleton wonders if he is one of the Stockholm Boyesens, or one of their cousins who live in Norway. Pendleton is glad to hear that the lectures in Oslo were so well attended, and he expresses the importance of having the Capital city be a strong New Church center in Norway. Pendleton is pleased to hear that Baeckstrom has contacted a branch of the Synnestvedt family in Oslo, as well as one in Bergen; Pendleton thinks there must be something in that family favorable towards the New Church. In Bryn Athyn, Pendleton’s brother (Bishop Emeritus W.F. Pendleton) has passed away, a great loss to his family and the Church. Baeckstrom’s book on Swedenborg has arrived, and although Pendleton cannot read it (it is in Swedish), he will treasure it.


  • 1927-11-30


From the Collection: 368.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials
