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Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1921-02-18

Identifier: RG.004.01

Scope and Contents

Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden. Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s letters of Dec. 12th and Jan. 28th. Swedish public opinion on Swedenborg has changed because of a recently published book by Emil Kleen. Pendleton believes Kleen will be forgotten with time. He writes, “We New Churchmen are accustomed to look deeply into the future for the fruition of our hopes for the Church.” He wishes someone would write an answer to the book which would appeal to the people of Sweden; Alfred Stroh was might have done this, but now he is “not only off the track, but out of the question in other ways.” Pendleton is planning a trip to Europe, including Sweden, next summer, accompanied by his daughter Ora (Pendleton), Raymond Pitcairn, Creda (Glenn), Winfrey Glenn, and possibly Mrs. (Cara) Glenn. They will all attend the British Assembly together and some of them may travel to Stockholm with Pendleton as well. Pendleton is sorry to hear that Mr. Bromberg is dying. They are working hard to keep the Academy open with several teachers away and 2 of them sick (Mr. Doering and Mr. Gyllenhaal).


  • 1921-02-18


From the Collection: 368.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials
