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Pitcairn, Harold Frederick (1897-1960)



  • Existence: 1897 - 1960


Harold Frederick Pitcairn (1897–1960) was an American aviation inventor and pioneer. He played a key role in the development of the autogyro and founded the Autogiro Company of America. He patented a number of innovations relating to rotary wing aircraft. He was born on June 20, 1897 in Hawthorne, Iowa.[1]

Pitcairn's start in aviation was as an apprentice at Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company[2] He attended the Curtiss Flying School in Newport News in 1916.[3]

Pitcairn founded Pitcairn Aviation (later to become Eastern Airlines), and Pitcairn Aircraft Company which manufactured efficient airmail biplanes, and autogyros. He bought the right to license Juan de la Ciervas patents for the United States for $300,000 in 1929.[4]

He was awarded the Collier Trophy in 1930 for development of the autogyro.[5] USA President Hoover awarded the trophy on the lawn of the White House in 1931, where a Pitcairn PCA-2 landed as the first aircraft ever. Citation: Wikipedia contributors, "Harold Frederick Pitcairn," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed November 9, 2015).

On April 24, 1960 he was found dead at his home in Philadelphia. A New York times article reported that he committed suicide after a party for his brother, Raymond. No reason was ever uncovered.

Found in 6 Collections and/or Records:

John Pitcairn with Children, 1900

Identifier: JGP0028
Scope and Contents From the c04: Photographs or photographs of drawings/paintings of John Pitcairn and his family and friends. The images are divided into two boxes, each containing large envelopes (folders). They are arranged as follows: Box 1: File 1 - John Pitcairn Images at various ages. Includes, engravings, photographs and prints. File 2 - Pictures of two Pitcairn children (Vera & Harold). File 3 - Pictures of John and/or Gertrude (or other friends/relatives) with the children (Raymond, Vera, Theodore,...
Dates: 1900

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Alfred Acton, 1929-02-02

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Alfred Acton in Sweden. Pendleton reports that the Board has been having trouble balancing their budget in their effort to raise teachers' salaries. As a result, they will not be able to finance Mr. (Joseph) Rosenquist's translation of the works of Achatius Kahl and Rob Sundelin. Pendleton mentions Acton's letter to Leonard (no surname given) in which Acton speaks of trips he would like to take for his work. Pendleton writes that Harold Pitcain has taken...
Dates: 1929-02-02

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Ernst Deltenre, 1919-12-30

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Ernst Deltenre in Brussels, Belgium. Pendleton apologizes for not having personally answered Deltenre’s letter from a year ago. Pendleton was pleased to hear from Deltenre again after so many years, and he had hoped to see Deltenre in Brussels on his way home from South Africa in July, but his (Pendleton’s) health was not good and he was afraid to go too far from his hotel in England as they were awaiting notice to board the ship. Pendleton writes...
Dates: 1919-12-30

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1923-09-20

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden. Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s letters of August 4th and Sept. 3rd with enclosures; He welcomes Miss Pamp into the General Church. Pendleton informs Baeckstrom that Mr. and Mrs. George de Charms and Harold and Clara Pitcairn have had to cancel the Sweden leg of their trip to Europe. Pendleton is sorry to hear that Baeckstrom was unable to attend the British Assembly due to illness. Pendleton is told the...
Dates: 1923-09-20

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1923-07-10

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden. Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s letter of Apr. 11th, in which he was glad to read that Miss (Senta) Centervall’s absence from the Stockholm Society is only temporary. Mr. and Mrs. George de Charms have sailed for Europe for the British Assembly, after which they will travel with Harold and Clara Pitcairn to Stockholm. Pendleton has heard that Baeckstrom may attend the British Assembly, in which case,...
Dates: 1923-07-10

Letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström, 1920-01-12

Identifier: RG.004.01
Scope and Contents Typed letter from N.D. Pendleton to Rev. Gustaf Baeckström in Stockholm, Sweden. Pendleton acknowledges Baeckstrom’s letter of Dec. 10th. Pendleton is glad to hear of Baeckstrom’s missionary success with lectures and book sales, but he writes that if the work becomes too much for Baeckstrom, it is more important to focus on building up permanent church centers. Pendleton will take the matter of financial aid to the Extension Committee. Pendleton has read a translation of the article on the...
Dates: 1920-01-12